
Précis AI is building AI software for the Public Relations industry. They focus on automating daily content generation tasks like press releases and proposals. They’re first product, Précis PR, is an AI platform tailored for PR, communications, and marketing professionals.

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The Précis AI team wanted to support many content generation use cases as they geared up to launch. As the number of prompts grew from 5 to 10 and 10 to 15, they hit major scaling pains.

Initially, they tracked prompts in Linear, versioned them in GitHub, and stored them in Google Drive. This scattered approach led to prompts being everywhere: some in the OpenAI Playground, others in Linear tickets or JSON files.

The collaboration between non-technical PR/Communication team members and prompt engineers was particularly challenging. This was especially problematic because their PR expertise was a key competitive advantage. Non-technical reviewers struggled with the disorganized system and complex tooling. For the prompt engineers, testing across multiple prompt playground tabs was time-consuming and made evaluations next to impossible.

Attempts to create internal tooling proved more complex than anticipated. The engineering effort required clearly outweighed the benefits. Recognizing the need for a prompt versioning and management solution, Précis AI's Head of Product, Bo Hrytsak, began his search.


Bo and his team needed a tool to streamline their prompt engineering process from testing through deployment. Most importantly, the tool needed to be user-friendly for their PR/marketing team members.

Bo looked at a variety of tools. After a quick demo, Bo knew he had found what he was looking for in PromptHub.

A user testimonial on top of a slight gradient background

Chris Fuscus, a prompt engineer at Précis AI, added that PromptHub was an easy decision because of how easy it was to test  prompts across multiple LLMs simultaneously. Additionally, PromptHub’s collaboration features were a major selling point. Chris knew that the easy-to-use UI would make his collaboration with his subject matter experts much easier.

Since implementing PromptHub, Précis AI has significantly streamlined their prompt engineering process, leading to producing better prompts, faster.

A user testimonial on top of a slight gradient background

Précis AI's partnership with PromptHub extended beyond software. From prompt engineering services to educational resources, PromptHub was there to help.

A user testimonial from Chris Fuscus on top of a slight gradient background

Going forward

In just a few months, Précis AI has upgraded their PromptHub plan multiple times, expanding their capacity and usage. They plan to continue to deepen their integration with PromptHub as their platform scales.

When asked if they would recommend PromptHub to other teams building in AI, Bo notes,

“Absolutely, the value that PromptHub brings to our team has made it financially worth it to us since the very first month we purchased our subscription.”

Dan Cleary